“Whoever you are come travel with me. Traveling with me you find what never tires.”

Whitman croppedThe poem continues: “The earth never tires.  The earth is rude, silent incomprehensible at first. . . be not discouraged, keep on. . . there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.”  I once wrote these words on my kitchen wall so that my kids … Read More

“No one was coming toward the house yet, but things wouldn’t stay the way they were much longer.”

Beattie croppedWhen Ann Beattie met John Updike, he said “You figured out how to write an entirely different kind of story.” Her stories were “the” stories my English department discussed in the 1980s because they were so  revolutionary.  T. Coraghessan Boyle wrote in the New York Times, … Read More

“Terror and beauty are woven into the fringes of things both great and small.”

I have been drawn to this book by Annie Dillard many times, and I continue to appreciate the ideas and the poetic quality of the prose. My favorite chapter is “Seeing.” For her, seeing leads to understanding, which then leads to transformation. Her closing lines describe being … Read More

“. . . Heaven may be only the mind’s fear of the wonders it imagines. . .”

Digges croppedIf you read only one poem today (or this week, or this month), let it be “Ancestral Lights” by Deborah Digges. Here is more of the sentence that the quotation comes from: “And though I know now that heaven may be only the mind’s … Read More

“His strong point [was] his odd ability to fall feetfirst into the little pocket of someone else’s world for those few seconds.”

Strout croppedMy favorite book of 2013 is about three grown-up siblings and their families, all of whom have one important thing in common: they aren’t where they wanted to be.  They don’t feel at home in the choices that they’ve made. What’s remarkable about this novel is the … Read More

We want to walk into the pages…the closer we get, the better.

fadiman croppedWhat kind of reader are you?  Anne Fadiman gives a book-length answer to that question in Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader.  She tells stories  about her passion for reading books.  For example, she describes the thrill of going to a place that a book … Read More

Some time when the river is ice ask me what mistakes I have made.

stafford croppedThis is the first line from a well-loved poem by William Stafford. He often writes about things that appear to be calm, but aren’t.  I think his poems are like that, too.  At first glance, they don’t seem very challenging. But it’s a mistake to read quickly … Read More

“Even then I sensed this . . . would be at the core of my imagination for the rest of my life.”

PamukcropThis novel is a collection of beautiful sentences about self-discovery.  For example: “It was during these days that I first began to feel fissures opening in my soul, wounds of the sort that plunge some men into a deep, dark, lifelong loneliness for which there is no … Read More

“Trust that the presence of long-held stories in your memories are there for reasons beyond entertainment.”

shadiow bookJohn Dewey, one of my heroes, said that you don’t learn from experience — you learn from thinking about your experience. That’s the idea that What Our Stories Teach Us is based on. Linda K. Shadiow outlines a three-step process of description, interpretation, and analysis. Is this … Read More

“…the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting…”

Oliver croppedToday, Thanksgiving Day, should not end before we think about the writers who have  changed us. For me, the one who floats to the top this year is Mary Oliver. It’s hard not to say “wow” after reading a poem like “Wild Geese” .  You might … Read More

“They could tell it was Jun Do who’d picked which orphans ate first and which were left with watery spoonfuls.”

Johnson editWhen Jun Do was a child living in an orphanage in North Korea, one of his responsibilities was to decide which of his peers would be punished.  That was just the beginning. As an adult, he was often in the impossible position of trying to let the … Read More

“I am the rest between two notes . . . in the dark interval, reconciled, they stay there trembling.”

Rilke croppedThis poem about tension and transition is classic Rainer Marie Rilke. He explored both of these dynamics frequently in a his letters, which were published in a book titled Letters to a Young Poet. (They are among the most famous, best -loved letters in all of … Read More

“Every behavior has more than one cause.”

Cain croppedLooking for a simple explanation for why some people are introverts and others are extroverts? Then don’t read Susan Cain’s book Quiet. Her explanation has not one, not two, not three, but four factors: our  inborn temperament, environment, free will, and how these interact at any … Read More

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

Fitgerald croppedWhat does this final line of The Great Gatsby mean?  That depends on what you want it to mean.  You can use this line to support an affirming “life goes on” perspective. Or, if you are an existentialist, you can say that it shows how pointless … Read More

“I wandered lonely as a cloud”

Great poems croppedThis is the opening line of a poem written by the revolutionary William Wordsworth in 1804.  He shook things up by experimenting with “real language” (as opposed to the formal style found in serious writing), and he wrote about feelings (as opposed to intellectual matters). This line … Read More