“I am a part of all that I have met.”

Pockell croppedThis passage from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “Ulysses,”  based on the character in Homer’s Odyssey,  continues: “Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades forever and ever when I move. How dull it is to pause.” Indeed! How dull the world would … Read More

“I felt that this was my last moment to reach out and understand something of the world.”

Taylor croppedPeter Taylor, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Penn Faulkner Award, is virtually unknown today. In a 1985 review, the New York Times said: “His narrative method is to hover over the action, to digress from it, to explore byways and relationships, to speculate on … Read More

“Writing is drawing the essence of what we know out of the shadows.”

Knausgaard croppedThe passage continues: “That is what writing is about. Not what happens there, not what actions are played out there, but the there itself.”  This book, the autobiography of Norwegian novelist Karl Ove Knausgaard, reminds me of Proust.  He describes things in great detail — including … Read More

“Some part of art is the art of waiting”

kooser cropped2The poet Ted Kooser — who won the Pulitzer Prize after he retired — knows something about art and waiting. However, that doesn’t mean he’s a calm poet. His poem “Memory” starts like this: “Spinning up dust and cornhusks as it crossed the chalky, exhausted fields, it … Read More

“It was the kind of question that starts a landslide in the mind.”

Pym croppedWhat was the question?  Was it profound?  Shocking?  Revealing? Turns out, it’s all of these, and it’s laced with British humor.  The question was, “Do we need a cup of tea?” This comes next: “She sounded puzzled and distressed and I began to realize that my question … Read More

“For the most part, we are going about learning in the wrong ways.”

Brown croppedThe authors tell us that going over and over something is “a time-consuming study strategy that yields neglibile benefits at the expense of much more effective strategies that take less time.” (15) What works better? Quizzing yourself, or writing a summary paragraph about possible applications, or drawing … Read More

“The name of the author is the first to go, followed obediently by the title, the plot…”

Collins croppedThe poem “Forgetfulness” by Billy Collins continues: “the heartbreaking conclusion, the entire novel which suddenly becomes one you have never read, never even heard of, as if, one by one, the memories you used to harbor decided to retire to the southern hemisphere of the … Read More

“We say of some things that they can’t be forgiven, or that we will never forgive ourselves. But we do — we do it all the time.”

Munro croppedThese are the final sentences in Alice Munro’s collection of short stories, Dear Life, which won the Nobel Prize.  I believe that the character is lying and that she wishes she could forgive herself. I’m sure that other readers have come to different conclusions. These stories are … Read More

“Reflection is a mighty endeavor…no occupation is more powerful or more feeble, depending on the soul”

Montagne croppedHow come some people who write about themselves are bores, and others are fascinating? Michel de Montaigne, an inventor who lived in the 1500s, is fascinating.  Instead of keeping a record of what he did, he recorded what he was thinking about.  He wrote:  “I … Read More

“There’s a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons — that oppresses, like the Heft of Cathedral Tunes –“


Dickensoncropped 2Where would we be, during difficult winters like this one, without the help of Emily Dickinson? This poem ends with these lines:
“When it comes, the Landscape listens —
Shadows — hold their breath —
When it goes, ’tis like the Distance
On the look of … Read More

“I gave them all the truth and none of the honesty.”

McCamm cropped

How much honesty do you want from a novel? I’m at a point now where I am bored by action (isn’t that what TV is for?) and instead look for books that uncover surprising revelations. This one  does that.  McCann goes for the artery with an astonishing … Read More

“Not a week goes by without my telling a lie, but I suppose that is the same for most people.”

Under what circumstances do you lie?  This book shows how our tendencies to lie can be influenced by the culture we live in.  Kyoko Mori describes situations in her home country of Japan, where it’s more important to be polite than honest, especially with people who have … Read More

“Maybe imagination is just a form of memory, locked deep in . . . eternity.”

wallace croppedThe poet Ron Wallace can be described as “part Emily Dickinson and part Harpo Marx” because of his dark wit, which you can see in the opening of this sonnet:

The Bad Sonnet

It stayed up late, refused to go to bed,
and when it did it … Read More

“To think I believed you were charming. It turns out you’re just a writer.”

bausch cropLike many of us, Richard Bausch is a worrier.  In an interview he said, “In every
circumstance, all my life, my mind shows me the possible bad outcome: someone walks down steps, and before I can do anything to head the image off, I see a fall, … Read More

“Education and safety are unavoidably interrelated.”

Lake croppedShould colleges take care of students?  How? To what extent? When affordable education is a priority, is it also important to install sirens, locks on classroom doors,  and help students with mental illness?  I can’t think of anyone who can provide more interesting ideas on these issues … Read More