“So walk on air against your better judgement . . .”

A review of “The Spirit Level” in 100 words by Catherine Stover

The cover photo is a close-up of a level, which is sometimes called a spirit level. Ah, you might say, this poetry collection must be about finding balance. And since the author won the Nobel Prize in Read More

“It’s just a book that makes me miss the only person I know for sure whose love I did not have to earn.”

A review of “Grand Mothers” in 100 words by Catherine Stover

When the great poet Nikki Giovanni died earlier this week, many tributes described how this literary legend never took her foot off the gas: she wrote more than 30 books, with one more coming out next year. I … Read More

“and then there are days when the simple act of breathing leaves you exhausted.”

A review of “the sun and her flowers”  in 100 words by Catherine Stover

In 1999,  the New York Times ran an article about “probably the most popular poet in America” – Billy Collins – and his unprecedented six-figure publishing contract for three books. The backlash at that time … Read More

“The sky gathered again, and the sun grew round that very day.”

A review of “Fern Hill” in 100 words by Catherine Stover

This quote is from the poem “Fern Hill,” written by Dylan Thomas, one of the greatest Welsh poets of all time. My Welsh Airbnb host included it in his description of the changeable weather, which is one indication of … Read More

“Empty silos, barren barns, fields in need of the cultivator will keep someone else awake all night.”

A review of “Poems from the Winter House” in 100 words by Catherine Stover

Daniel Smith’s poetry readings draw people who have never been to a poetry reading before. They come to hear him describe farming and his decision to finally sell his ancestral home and discontinue the way of … Read More

“There are those who believe they know – and those who hope they may yet know.”

Seven pages into the preface of his huge collection of poems, Carl Sandburg  tells us that he will not pontificate on the art of poetry, which is what famous writers often do in that section. Instead, he says “A poet explains for us what for him is poetry by what … Read More

Ten Years of Writing about Poetry Has Taught Me This

Poetry is the most textured form of writing. It attracts artists who weave sounds and images with mystery. They may be cranky (T. S. Eliot) or homesick (Heaney) or humorous (Billy Collins). They may believe that poetry is an instrument of investigation (Jane Read More

“We get the Dialectic fairly well.”

Why would a poem written in 1940 be included in The Best American Poetry 2023?  W. H. Auden’s brilliant poem about contradictions wasn’t published during his lifetime because he questioned its value. Auden was a great poet who doubted his greatness. Even when he won awards, such as the … Read More

“…I see in the flashlight beam, a world of dust . . . massing, revolving back, splitting into twos and threes and lonely ones—”

The poet Rasma Haidri continues, “and I know I orchestrated this fugue of spheres.” I love the way hope infuses this poem – and many of the poems – in this collection. We see stories about people who are looking for greater happiness, and who are finally able to change … Read More

“I live on the boundary of the outside and the inside.”

I’ve always believed that the best way to take the pulse of a bookstore is to check out the display on the front table. Instead of best-sellers, this bookstore featured Czech poets – a treat for someone like me who knows virtually nothing about the literary traditions of this country. … Read More

“Even as I write these words I am planning to rise from the chair as soon as I finish this sentence.”

We all know the feeling of being torn between wanting to take the time to think deeply and needing to get up to get something done. The tension between lofty ideas and everyday practicalities is a theme that runs through many of the works in this collection. In the poem … Read More

“One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice –”

Mary Oliver’s poem “The Journey” continues, “though the whole house / began to tremble / and you felt the old tug / at your ankles . . .” The journey she describes didn’t stop, even though it was “a wild night.” The stars began “to burn / through the … Read More

“Go north a dozen years on a road overgrown with vines to find the days after you were born.”

This remarkable first line of the poem “Sight” by Faith Shearin does three things: it provides a way to visualize a journey back in time along “a road overgrown with vines.” It includes an interesting slant rhyme with “vines” and “find.” And, it’s written as a command, in what English … Read More

“Lately I’ve found myself reaching for the books of certain familiar writers, whose own zest and energy offer some kindly remedy to my condition.”

Perhaps you can relate to this: while I enjoy the holidays, I also am running low on the “zest and energy” that Mary Oliver describes in this essay. Her solution to this problem is to reconnect with familiar writers. Her book, which has been in my hands for thirty years, … Read More

“And you O my soul, where you stand, surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space . . .until the bridge you will need be form’d…”

And you, O my reader, where you sit, reading from a screen that holds more words than the mind can store, what do you do after reading Whitman’s poetry?  Some respond by “Whitmanizing” in bold statements or expressive art. The poet Czeslaw Milosz says that after reading Whitman, he experiences … Read More